Umimonogatari ~Anata ga Itekureta Koto~ 1, Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2010-01-17

Video Quality Rating: C (7.5)


I bought an anime DVD!? Yeah, whatever.

The non-Amazon specific limited edition has a different catalogue number (DB-0348). Discs themselves are DB-0348-1 and DB-0348-2 for all editions. Both versions of the limited editions feature the textured plastic coated jacket, two double-sided visual cards, and the short novel booklet.

It appears that all audio commentaries will feature both Asumi Kana (voice of Marin) and Kotobuki Minako (voice of Kanon). Some episodes will feature additional guests, such as Horie Yui (voice of Urin) for the second episode. I enjoyed the commentaries as they stayed relevant to the video content (rare these days).

Disc 2 includes a bunch of cool extras. I believe they could have fit the whole thing on a single DVD-9 disc, so I'm not sure why they made them 2-disc sets.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

The whole set. I think the jacket cover is slightly different and the DVD insert cover is totally different for the Amazon specific limited edition.

Me unsuccessfully trying to show the cool film-on-textured-plastic effect on the jacket.

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