Umimonogatari ~Anata ga Itekureta Koto~ 3, First Pressing

Created/Updated 2010-01-22

Video Quality Rating: C (7.5)


First pressing features the textured plastic coated jacket, two double-sided visual cards, and the short novel booklet. Individual discs have catalogue numbers DB-0350-1 and DB-0350-2.

Featured guests for the audio commentaries are:

Disc 2 again includes a bunch of cool extras. One of the bonus is a remarkably well animated short joke episode with lots of different types of clothes for Marin, such as seifuku, tennis uniform, leotard.

I picked this up at Ishimaru Soft in Akihabara, so I could go watch the final recording of the internet radio. It was my first time seeing Asumi Kana, Kotobuki Minako, and Gibu Yuuko in person. I actually got to see Kotobuki Minako again in 7 days (K-On! Live!). Boy, was I busy last month. The net radio was a bit disappointing because it was not that different from the regular recordings. It was a public recording, so they should've made better use of that fact. Oh well, it was fun anyway.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

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