Sasara, Ma-ryan no Seitokai Kaichou Radio for To Heart 2 Vol.8 Audio CD

Created/Updated 2010-04-04

Subjective Content Rating: Is it time to give up?
Audio Quality Rating: |*| | | | |

Again, no track titles listed anywhere, so I made them up.

This CD features a special session with Kasahara Akira (voice of Yamada Michiru (Yocchi)) and Oota Kaori (voice of Yoshioka Chie (Charu)) as guests.

At this point, I'm pretty much convinced that the audio quality issue is with the mastering of the data for the CD production and not with the recording itself. This is because it just doesn't make sense for them to use a completely different recording set up for the CD than for the regular internet broadcast. As can be seen in the waveform images below, there's not a single problem with the broadcasted version of the audio (MP3 data). I've looked at a lot of the downloaded .wmv/.wma files as well as MP3 data on all the radio CD releases and none of them had audio quality problems. It's only the CD versions that have problems, and even then, volumes 1 and 4 were perfectly fine!

At this point, I'm seriously thinking of dropping all AquaPlus radio CDs. In fact, I've already decided to not purchase Utawarerumono (Eruruu no Kobeya) and HMX radio CDs. Do I keep at it, just for the pristine MP3 data files? I don't know.

You know what else gets on my nerves? I actually sent them a mail telling them to stop compressing the CD audio data. In that mail, I also mentioned an error in the radio's home page, where it says "ToHear2" instead of "ToHeart2." That was way before this CD was released, and the error is still there. Considering the email reflection I got from GMail, I think it was delivered, but who knows.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

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