Tabi ni Deyou, Horobiyuku Sekai no Hate made

Created/Updated 2009-08-25

I got this as a filler for one of my orders, based on user reviews.

In this fictional world, people are slowly disappearing. And when I say disappear, I literally mean disappear. First their names disappear from all records, written or otherwise, as well as from people's memories. Even photographs and video records are affected. Then, they lose colors, again literally. They start to look like black and white photograph. Even their shadows become less opaque. Eventually, they just disappear.

A boy and a girl, who are nameless, decide to go on a trip without a destination, because well, their parents disappeared and they've got nothing to lose. Their namelessness is no big deal because nobody in the story has a name. They do have feelings for each other, but then, traveling together for more than 3 months makes it inevitable. They meet a bunch of interesting people during their journey to nowhere, and that's basically the whole book. It does not really end, either.

While reading the book, I didn't think the story had a specific point to make, and reading the afterwords, I see it really doesn't. It was a rushjob, and it shows. Despite that, a lot of people loved this book. Either I'm way too good at seeing through guises, or other people are easily taken.

It's not terrible or anything, but it's just not that well thought out, nor is the narration particularly well done. If this had a sequel, I wouldn't bother reading it. But it's a one volume series, so no point in thinking about that.

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