Yuttari Mattari Houkago Nisshi Vol.2 (Audio CD)

Created/Updated 2013-01-04

Subjective Content Rating: Some neat radio ideas.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*|*|

Still a bit chaotic, despite being run by a relatively calm set of people, Takagaki Ayahi (Wakana), Seto Asami (Konatsu), and Hayami Saori (Sawa).

The main idea for this special recording is to have a "school festival" like event. And what are the staple events for a "school festival?" That would be Takoyaki Stand, Tea Room, and Haunted House, at least according to Seto Asami. And those are exactly what they attempt, although not necessarily literally.

Apparently, they couldn't use heat, so no real takoyaki cooking. Tea making worked out, if a bit dilute. The obakeyashiki (Haunted House) idea was the best in my opinion. What did they do? I won't spoil it for anyone. :P

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