Yuttari Mattari Houkago Nisshi Vol.1 (Audio CD)

Created/Updated 2012-10-07

Subjective Content Rating: Pretty laid back, which I expected.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*|*|

This radio features three personalities, Takagaki Ayahi (Wakana), Seto Asami (Konatsu), and Hayami Saori (Sawa). Despite having three ladies, the overall mood is fairly subdued, although not overly so. Rather, it's actually somewhat chaotic, despite being subdued. Weird. I'd say Takagaki Ayahi is the leader in this group.

"Cooking" type activities in audio-only media rarely work for me, and this isn't any different. Although there's also a musical part where they try to play instruments, that didn't really work for me, either. There's the "shizuka na kohan," which I had to look up online, and the "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." The conclusion I reached is that Seto Asami is "hetakuso." *laugh*

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