Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, 03 Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2006-10-12

Animephile Rating: C (7.5)


I actually went and read a version of "Snow White" after watching the previous volume. Apparently, there are many versions of it. In fact, history of "Snow White" and other fairytales is a complex topic. I found this intriguing link through Google: "Snow, Glass, Apples: the story of Snow White" by Terri Windling. If you're interested in literature, check it out.

Anyway, if we go by the many earlier versions of the fairytale, Mikuru-chan's hint to Kyon is not very meaningful. Maybe Mikuru-chan was just being DOJI (clumsy). Yuki's hint of "Sleeping Beauty" is far more relevant.

Note that CD (KABA-1504-CD) is listed separately.

Oh, and I got sticker set #14 with this one.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

It must be Kyoto Animation thing to have their characters walk around so that they can show off their beautiful backgrounds.

This is nearing nitpicking, but the shadows built into the background image are incompatible with those added for the foreground images. In fact, much of it is missing for the background objects.

Even some of the shadows for the foreground object disappeared. Where are the shadows for the guard bars?

Nice lighting effects (headlight, interior light, taillight, houselight, and stars).

If someone just saw this scene, they'll get a completely wrong idea about this series.

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