Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Asahina Mikuru no Bouken Episode 00 Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2006-07-22

Animephile Rating: C (7.5)


I know very little about this series at the moment. I saw one episode, which happens to be the one on this DVD, at a local anime club showing and knew immediately that this was THE anime to buy. I don't even know what the difference between this limited edition and the regular edition is. It looks like even the regular edition is hard to find at this point.

Besides the episode00, the DVD contains creditless opening & ending, TV previews, TV spot & CM, and making of feature of that CM. It's a strangely funny CM.

By the way, in March of 2006, I wrote that Hirano Aya will make it big someday. I think this one counts. She's even quicker than I imagined. Also, I knew Gotou Yuuko from Mizuiro OVA. She has an unusual voice that kind of reminds me of Matsuki Miyu (Yoriko in D.C.), but even more whiny (in a good sense). Her voice is awesome as Mikuru!

Note that CD (KABA-1501-CD) is listed separately.

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