Suzumiya Haruhi no Bousou

Created/Updated 2006-11-25

This volume contains three stories, only one of which is animated so far (first season). The stories are "Endless Eight," "Iteza no Hi," and "Yukiyama Shoukougun."

"Endless Eight" is about the second half of August that never ends. Kyon has to somehow let Haruhi do everything she's set out to do during the summer break, or she will cause the two weeks to keep repeating without even realizing it. In the end, everyone gathers at Kyon's place to finish up their summer homework. Of course, Haruhi had hers done months ago, but then I don't think that was the point anyway. As far as I can tell, Haruhi just wanted to play at Kyon's place, at least once during the summer break, or whenever.

Other than the deja vu, no one was aware of the fact that they were repeating the two weeks over and over, except Yuki. Can you imagine repeating the same two weeks for almost 600 years!? I might go crazy just thinking about it!

"Iteza no Hi," also known as "The Day of Sagittarius," is the only story that is animated. I haven't seen it, but I bet it's spectacular. It's the kind of space battle stuff that would be so much more entertaining in visual form. Of course, it's not a real space battle, but I bet they animated it that way. I can't wait to see this. By the way, this event actually happened before "Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu," and in fact, it was mentioned in that story, yet it's in this later volume. I doubt there's a deep reason for this, but I noticed it, so I'm mentioning it.

The last story, "Yukiyama Soukougun," is really kind of scary, because it doesn't explain who, or what, caused the events that occurred. I mean, this being(?) is a match for Yuki's group, or maybe even more powerful. Now, that's scary! And annoying, too. Then again, maybe it was Yuki's creator that caused it. Hmm....

Recent stories all focus on Nagato Yuki, and I'm sure there are a lot of Nagato fans out there, but personally, I'm more drawn by Tsuruya-san. The way she takes everything in a stride is really intriguing to me. But then, maybe I'm just drawn towards a more realistic character. Of course, I like Nagato, Asahina-san, and Haruhi, too.

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