Summer Wars - Blu-ray, Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2013-07-13

Video Quality Rating: A+ (10.0)


I had this set since 2010-05. I've been pretty lazy about updating my site, but in this case, it's more than that. I didn't really care for the movie. The only reason I'm listing it now is because it serves as a contrast to the same director's new work, "Ookami Kodomo no Yuki to Ame," which I love.

What stood out to me were big families, people connections, and a high-tech theme that doesn't blend well with the other themes. Frankly, I can't stand the "it's whom you know, not what you know" idea. And to me, family relationship beyond the 1st degree (husband & wife, parent & child) is more of a cultural thing than an emotional thing, so it doesn't make for a good *main* film topic.

In the end, I think the real reason I don't like the film is because the nostalgia I get from it is mostly negative. Back when I was young, my father side family was really sort of like the one in the film. And I hated the occasional big family gatherings. Looking back, none of that became anything positive for me anyway. Can't argue with the reality.

Note second disc only has two audio channels, one of which is commentaries. I don't remember the contents at this time.

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