Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi

Created/Updated 2002-07-30

Animephile Rating: F-------! (-1.0)


This is the worst Ghibli DVD to date. I've yet to watch the whole movie. I don't even feel like watching the movie thanks to the messed up DVD and Ghibli's attitude about the whole thing.

Image1: 1/2 is from "Whisper of the Heart" and the other 1/2 is from this DVD. I'm not going to bother telling you which one is which.

Image2: These are the logarithmic scale of 8-bit RGB channel data (1-255) from the scene in image1. (No, 0 is not included since infinite amount of 0 is still 0.) Top one is from "Whisper of the Heart" and the bottom set is from "Spirited Away." Notice completely missing upper portions of green and blue from the bottom set. That means, there are no strong green and blue signals at all in the image. Also notice large amount of strongest red signal on the bottom set. You'll also notice large amount of strongest blue signal on top set, which you can see easily on the image itself. Yes, it's pretty darn blue and it's supposed to be like that.

Image3: More comprehensive comparisons of that same logo from many different Ghibli DVDs released so far. The ones from Totoro and Kiki are very similar. I tend to consider "Mimi wo Sumaseba" DVD as the reference because it was so flawlessly done. "Porco Rosso" probably had some artificial enhancement done to the colors. "Tonari no Yamada-kun" is all digital animation, so I'd think that it should have very good colors. It indeed has no noise whatsoever, but edge enhancement is easily noticeable. "Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi" is just waaaay off.

There is absolutely no excuse for this. They f&^ked up. What more do I need to say? If they maintain that this is the way it's supposed to be, I'd like to ask them to replace my other Ghibli DVDs since they must be way off. We'll start with Future Boy Conan, Yamada, Totoro, Porco Rosso, Kiki, Whisper of the Heart, and even the Castle of Cagliostro.

I'm hereby starting a boycott of Ghibli products until they replace this messed up DVD or replace all of my other Ghibli-related DVDs. I will also openly encourage free copying of Ghibli movies.


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