Bambi-no Bambi-na

Created/Updated 2008-09-21

Subjective Content Rating: Yukarin!
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*| | | |

Okay, so let's get this over with. The only other Yukarin CD I have released by King Records (rather than KONAMI) is "Izayoi no Tsuki, Canary no Koi." I believe it was the first such album, so maybe they didn't have enough time to mess up all of the songs on it. Apparently, they did have the time to do so this time around. They're not quite as bad as what they do to Mizuki Nana's songs, but 2 stars is still 2 stars. Bye bye Yukarin CDs. If there are KONAMI releases in the future, I might pick those up, though.

I really should have looked through used CD shops first, but I went into the main big company stores first, like Animate and Gamers, so when I saw this (with Animate specific photo bonus), I said, what the hey, and bought it. Believe or not, I actually wanted the DVD more than the CD. Basically, I paid full price for it. And I don't even much like the Animate specific photo.

Interestingly, the audio on the DVD has some 6dB better dynamic range!!! If (44.1kHz version of) that was on the CD, I would've given it 4 stars! So at least for the first song, it's not a total loss. There's no saving the other two songs, though.

Oh, and carat is, by definition, 1/24 unit. There is no such thing as 100 carat.

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