
Created/Updated 2008-08-01

First of all, this is a large book, at almost 30cm tall, in modified A4 format. And like other hard cover books, it's heavy! Shipping cost was nothing to laugh at, dominating the shipment that had 3 CDs and 4 DVDs in addition to this book.

My whimpy scanner can't scan a book this large, so I decided to just take a picture of it. I was in the mood for something different, so I used large aperture to take a slanted picture. I'm getting bokeh by taking a picture of a picture! I didn't post process at all, but if I were to just stretch the image horizontally a bit, I'd get the correct aspect ratio back. I had the macro lens on the 5D, so I just used that, but I guess I could've used 135L for even shallower depth of field.

There are some great photos, but overall, the photography work is not all that great. Also, many of the shots have highly processed look, or she's wearing too much makeup. It's still pretty amazing how young Yukarin can look, though.

I honestly can't recommend it to non-fans, but I don't think that should surprise too many people. It's not a bad buy for a fan, though. Oh, and I think the location is Hawaiian islands somewhere, probably Oahu.

There are no page numbers in the book, so I could've made a mistake counting to 80. It should be close, though.

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