Sincerely Dears

Created/Updated 2008-08-02

Subjective Content Rating: An excellent "best of" type album.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*|*|

I already have many of her albums, but there are a few songs on this (best of) album that I didn't have. Even if I had them all (and I think I actually do when I count the other CDs I bought with this), this CD still makes for a great buy because it comes with a DVD with enough content to justify the cost of the whole set by itself! On top of that, you also get a nice photo album. I may be slightly biased, but I actually like this little photo album more than the expensive photo book (Sorairo ISBN978-4-86155-838-2). I *know* where that tree in the first 6 pages is! And I *know* where that table in the next couple of pages is! I was there!

Am I out of my mind to be giving this CD a 5-star audio quality rating? Maybe. But remember, the rating is actually out of 10. But really, this CD is not bad at all in that department. Even I was surprised.

The last image shows the CD (pink jacket), DVD (blue jacket), box, DVD booklet, CD booklet, and the photo album opened to the location that I've actually been to.

Oh, and the DVD (GBZC-2) is listed separately.

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