30 Minutes Night Flight

Created/Updated 2007-06-10

Animephile Rating: Singing is good, but songs are kind of boring.

One of the reviewers said that this CD made him/her realize that maybe he/she was more of a Kan'no Youko's fan, and not so much Sakamoto Maaya's fan. Maybe that's a bit overstating it since she does sing well and has nice voice. Unfortunately, the songs on this CD are pretty boring. They remind me of songs you'd hear if you were to turn on the radio and tune it to a random soft pop/rock station.

I'm puzzled as to why she doesn't get better songs. The ending theme of "Risky Safety" was wonderful, and it wasn't composed by Kan'no, so obviously, it doesn't have to be composed by Kan'no Youko to be good. Of course, there's nothing wrong with the combo, either. Kan'no-san is still composing music, after all.

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