
Created/Updated 2004-02-28

Animephile Rating: D

A 'D' grade!? Yup! I tend to be harshier with people with more potential. You might have noticed that with my grades for Mizuki Nana, Tanaka Rie, Iwao Junko, et al.

Orikasa-san is a decent singer and as a matter of fact, she has amazed me more than once with songs she sang as one of the characters she played, such as "Fairy Dance" in Figure 17. I think she has an "innocent" voice, which is not at all utilized properly in the songs on this CD. Needless to say, I'm very disappointed with this CD.

By the way, is track 4 "senshu no yumeji" or "Chizu no yumeji?" And is track 8 "hikari sasu, ..." or "kousasu, ...?"


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