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Created/Updated 2008-06-03

Subjective Content Rating: Strangely nostalgic.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*| | |

First, I didn't buy this. Tenton accidentally bought two and gave me one. Who's Tenton? He's the one I gave "Mamono Hunter Yohko, Touch My Heart" CD (SM bootleg) to in September of 2004. He said he'd have a "burial for it when/if [he] ends up with the real copy of it," but I somehow doubt he got a real copy yet. Time for him to make a trip to Japan. I hear such CDs are fairly easy to find in Akihabara.

I guess they're trance type music? I don't know my musical genres. I was actually tempted to give it 2 stars for audio quality, but I'm in a relatively good mood today.

I obviously know the first song. I also know the second song because it's in one of the live DVDs I own. I believe I'm new to the third song. If I had to pick my favorite from the three, it'd actually be the second song. But the third song has the best sound quality, at least among the three on this CD.

Karaoke track is pretty standard, but the last track is unusual. It's the reverse of karaoke track. It only has the vocal (left channel) and metronome (right channel). I suppose if the last two tracks are mixed together, you'd end up with the first track, or something close to it. I don't think I have any other CD with vocal only track.

Actually, I tried mixing tracks 4 and 5 together and got something that does sound similar to track 1. Neat!

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