Sunday Early Morning, First Pressing

Created/Updated 2008-03-09

Subjective Content Rating: Only a few "sounds" that appeal to my taste.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*| |

I'm not fond of "electric sound," which means, I'm not all that fond of the "sound" of a few of the tracks on this CD, like the first two tracks. I much prefer the original version of "Romantic Summer." Thankfully, not all songs on this album are of that type. Maybe she's experimenting with different sounds these days. I'm sure different "sound" will appeal to different set of people.

Sound quality is actually not bad. 21-seiki on this CD is actually slightly better than the one on the single. Other duplicated songs are more-or-less the same, however. Certain types of music are simply dense, so it's somewhat hard to distinguish between excessive dynamic range compression and just being "busy." I don't particularly like excessively "busy" songs either, but it's not a definite negative like the excessive dynamic range compression.

Track 12 would make a good wake up song if you're into the cutesy electric sounding wake up call. Personally, I wake up with Suara's song, which inevitably becomes song_s_ as I tend to just keep listening instead of immediately waking up ^_^;;

Obi claims last track is only available on the first-pressing version. However, the back insert of the main CD lists it, so if they're really going to do that, they'll need two different versions of the back inserts. I don't like this behavior at all. It's one thing to make (mostly) useless extras as first-pressing only items. It's totally different thing to exclude actual songs. If I were a customer who missed the opportunity to purchase the first-pressing, I'd just not buy at all. Then again, maybe I'm reading it wrong. What the obi says is that the first pressing includes a bonus track. It doesn't say that regular pressing won't include it.

First pressing also includes a booklet with a lot of possibly-useful stickers. I think the logos (e.g. M.H. logos) can be useful, but I doubt collector-type people will be able to actually use them. I bet there are people who buy more than one copy of the CD so they can use one set at least.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Jacket cover (CD insert cover is basically the same other than the font being less pink and more red).

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