Magic Attraction

Created/Updated 2003-04-12

Animephile Rating: C

This CD is even worse than the first one (Supersonic Girl) as far as the lyrics are concerned. Music is similar, give or take a little. Some of the lyrics are so bad that I can feel my intelligence falling while listening to them.

This is extremely depressing. They're ruining her life. I felt so sorry for her, I cried. It was just a little, but I did. Then I got really mad. I feel so powerless. What can I do? Write a letter? To whom? King Records? Like they'd care. To Nana-chan? I somehow doubt it'd get there. I guess it's worth a try, but with my broken Japanese, it probably wouldn't have the kind of impact I would like it to have. It's not a very simple thing to describe, after all.

Certainly, it's not the first time I've encountered horrible lyric and heard typical, and therefore crappy, JPOP. It didn't matter for other cases because they were all pretending anyway and they all knew they were just pretending. Nana-chan is different. She is a real singer. You find me another seiyuu who can sing like her, LIVE, unplugged. Even Sakamoto Maaya can't do it. Heck, show me your average JPOP singer who can pull it off.

I need a drink. I think I'm out of sake. Time to go buy some.

Important update:
No, I didn't drink, but I did look more into this. Most of the songs for this second album was written by Yabuki Toshirou. Now, this guy is not your average song writer. He's done some good work for Okui Masami for many years. Interestingly enough, Masami has been relying less and less on other people to write songs for her. Most of the songs on her later albums were written by herself. Before that, however, she only wrote the lyrics herself. Here's an interesting fact. Many songs in "Her-Day," "NEEI," and "Li-Book" are written by Toshirou with lyrics written by Masami. These work wonders.

So, what am I getting at? Nana-chan seems to have been "noticed" by Toshirou. Most people would think that this is a great thing. I'm not so sure. The lyric part is not that big a deal at this point since even though Toshirou can't seem to write anything meaningful, I have no doubt Nana-chan will start writing her own lyrics soon and make this particular issue moot. On the other hand, listening to Transmigration again, I realized that maybe Toshirou is trying to make Nana-chan into the next Okui Masami. By the way, Transmigration is my favorite song in her previous album, "Supersonic Girl," and is written by Toshirou with the lyrics written by Masami. Interesting, no?

Now, let's take a breather.

Think about it. What's the issue? Do you think Nana-chan is good enough to be like Masami? Or rather, do you think Nana-chan is ONLY worth imitating Masami? Do you think it even makes any sense that two should be linked in any way? I don't know how you feel about all this, but I think Nana-chan is better than to be mixed in with any of this. As Nonchan at Studio-Neko-Han-Ten wrote in his review of "Supersonic Girl," I don't think her "color" is properly represented in any of these albums whereas there is at least a hint of it in some of her anime songs. I want to see more of her "color." I want to be immersed in her "color!"

You probably don't believe I'm not drunk at this point, but I really am not.

Score of 'C' will not be changed.

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