Nana Mizuki Live Museum x Universe Disc 1 of 4

Created/Updated 2007-06-20

Animephile Rating: A+ (10.0)


The scales of these concerts are insane! Mere Y7,400 (pre-tax) for all four discs is a bargain! Video quality is great and audio commentary by Nana-chan (Museum discs only) is great, too!

It took me forever to grab the video captures because there's just so much to go through, and I tell you, what you see here is such a small set of samples, it doesn't even begin to describe the scale of the concert. DVDs are highly recommended, assuming you have a decent A/V set up. BIG screen would be highly desirable for these.

Oh, and the book contains lyrics, credits, and some nice photos from the concerts.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

On the stairs isn't video artifact. It's the heat from the flames messing with the light path.

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