Live a House of Love

Created/Updated 2004-08-12

Animephile Rating: A+ (10.0)


Is my hobby shrinking or what? I thought Momoi's concert was small venue compared to Nana-chan's concerts. This is mini, or maybe even micro. Hey that reminds me of a radio show by Kaneda Tomoko named Mini Mini Micro Denji Youchien.

Anyway, unfortunately, Enomoto-san isn't really fit for live concerts. Her voice is too cute, she can't really keep the pitch in live conditions, and her songs aren't all that interesting.

I feel really bad that she's not getting any good anime roles these days. She even lost her role of Tominaga Minako (Sensei no Ojikan) to Ueda Kana. Everyone else kept their roles from the ever-so-many radio dramas, so I can't imagine why. It's a shame, too, because she's got an awesome voice for certain class of roles.

Image1: Do the wavy thing.
Image2: Small, eh? At least it's packed. There are some girls in there.


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