Radio School Days Vol.1 Data CD

Created/Updated 2007-12-09

Subjective Content Rating: What can I say? I love this radio!
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*| |

CD-ROM contains radio episodes 0 through 13 (14 files) in 160kbps MP3 format. They're slightly shorter than the internet versions because advertisements have been removed from them. Interestingly, songs are also removed along with advertisements. I don't have a problem with that since I already own the ED+ CD. I don't have the OP single, though.

Also, sound is most likely monaural, so the fact that the files are in stereo format seems like a waste of bits. No big deal, either way.

Radio School Days is one of the top three favorite internet radios I'm following currently. If that's not enough of a reason to own this, I don't know what is.

Like the audio CD counterpart, sound has slightly too strong dynamic range compression, so it gets a 4-star audio quality rating.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Booklet cover (back). Album back cover has a better photo, but you can buy your own to see it :p

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