Radio School Days Vol.1 ~Futagumi dake no Taiikusai~

Created/Updated 2007-12-09

Subjective Content Rating: Not bad, but I'm not so sure the four ladies are really, umm, compatible.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*| |

CD features Tanaka Ryouko (voice of Kuroda Hikari) and Nagami Haruka (voice of Katou Otome) in addition to the two regular personalities.

They basically play some games and compete (2 vs 2). Most of the games can be understood audio only, or else leaves the rest to the audience's imagination (^_^);; It's interesting and all, but it feels a bit forced. Their regular radio broadcasts tend to just naturally flow to interesting areas compared to this. In the end, I don't think the four ladies really compatible that way.

Normally, I find drama and radio CD sound quality to be flawless, but this one feels slightly over done in the dynamic range compression department, so I subtracted one star from the score.

Both of them (Kawaragi Shiho and Okajima Tae) keep saying how unrealistically well their photos came out for the jacket and inserts. I don't get to see their photos regularly, so I can't say if the ones on this album are any better than their regular photos, but I like them just fine. There's a small one from the back of the jacket on the disc 2 listing.

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