School Days 01 Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2007-11-03

Video Quality Rating: C (7.5)


I really only bought this to get the radio CD. But since I bought it, it would be stupid not to watch it, so I did just that.

Animation quality is somewhat variable, but when it's good, it's very good. Characters tend to be very cute, which is always a plus. Music is pretty good, too, especially the ending themes.

Now the bad part. If you want to learn the Japanese words "saitei" and "saiaku," look no further than Itou Makoto. This character is the manifestation of what those words describe. He's so bad, it's way past comical. In fact, it's even past angst. He seems to exist only to make viewers feel sorry for both Kotonoha and Sekai.

Funny(?) thing is, Makoto in the new manga adaptation (Kadokawa) is MUCH MUCH nicer. In fact, the entire story is much nicer on the manga adaptation. Well, I've only read the first volume of the manga, and only watched four episodes of the anime, so I can't say anything with certainty, but based on what I've seen, I wish the anime story was more like the manga story. Manga story is a basic love triangle with cute characters and bittersweet circumstances. Simple works sometimes.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Slip cover, DVD case, booklet, CD case, and flip-up character card (Kotonoha).

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