Sayonara Zetsubou Housou DJCD 1

Created/Updated 2008-02-17

Subjective Content Rating: Pretty similar to their regular stuff, which means it's great.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*|*|

It's great as usual except for one thing. There is no second data disc containing compressed audio files of the regular broadcasts. They even make fun of this fact in the CD. What the heck? Either they really think it's not a good idea to leave permanent records of the broadcasted shows (unlikely), or they're going to include it in some future DVD box set to increase sales (more likely). Too bad! I already saved them all! And I'd have been willing to pay a few hundred yens more to get them on proper media, but not thousands of yen on DVD.

Anyway, this CD features Nonaka Ai (voice of Fuura Kafuka) as guest.

Also, be patient with the last track. In other words, keep listening until it really ends. You know what I'm talking about if you're a regular to their broadcasted shows.

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