REC Drama CD 2, First Pressing

Created/Updated 2006-07-29

Animephile Rating: C

First pressing comes with a sticker and a memo sheet.

Asano Masumi is featured as Kitai Minato, a stuck-up idol who happens to get the main role for an upcoming anime. It's an excellent role for Masumin. She fakes that really well because she's been doing it for so long. Just listen to some of her radio shows to get an idea. Since she has never done seiyuu work before (in fiction silly), Yoshioka and Aka gets temporarily assigned to help her out.

There are a lot of conflicts between Aka and Minato, which can be funny, but the story swings too far between funny and serious that its entertainment value gets pushed aside.

As chaotic as it was, the first drama CD was more entertaining in the end. Sure, this one actually has a goal and a message to tell, but it came out awkward because the funny moments got in the way. You could also say that the serious message got in the way of the funny stuff. Either way, it has some good moments, but overall, I liked the first drama CD more.

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