Wake Up Angel ~Negaimashite wa Mugen Nari~

Created/Updated 2004-03-27

Animephile Rating: C

Here's another case of me getting to know an artist group backwards in time. My first exposure to Funta is from Nanaka 6/17, which, of course, came after Pita-Ten. (Funta == cute) just about sums it up. Even the nonsensical lyrics can be cute. I imagine that, depending on one's mood, this cute yet unusual voice might not be so desirable, but so far, that hasn't happened to me. Then again, there are easily over 6,000 Ogg files in my music player. I can't remember which song I heard when. Anyway, I love the first song (OP), but I'm not that fond of the second song, which is why I'm only giving it a 'C.'

Sorry. I didn't scan any image because I sealed it back up after ripping my -q 6 Ogg files and getting track length. I'm just too lazy to open it again to scan it. Take my word for it. On the front, there's an image of Misha and Shia, and on the back, there's a picture of Funta.

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