Photon, the Idiot Adventures

Created/Updated 2001-01-14

Animephile Rating: F (2.0)


It's cheap, alright. All 6 OVA episodes on one DVD. It's an ALL-Region, DVD to boot! I'd guess this would be a popular reverse-import item, especially since there aren't any R2 DVDs for this... yet. Then again, it's cheaply made. See the image below.
Image is made up of little section from 8 consecutive frames. It was compressed as lossless PNG file to show the effects properly. Ideally, all of the images should be identical. I know that's impossibly since this is not computer generated, but it should still be fairly close. Despite the static nature of the scene, it keeps changing. Maybe this isn't the best example, but you should be able to see it. It may not be noticeable on a little TV, but this kind of irregularity is very noticeable when projected with a digital projector.


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