Octave Vol.2

Created/Updated 2010-02-05

Kamota Ryouko (Kamo-chan) is Yukino's best friend from the home town. As Kamo-chan learns about Yukino and Setsuko, things get complicated. Over the course of the whole series, we learn how fragile human relationships really are, even if some of us might not want to acknowledge it. "Friends forever" is rarely forever in the real world.

The four members of the past idol group, "She'sN," Nao, Ai, Yukino, and Mika are all doing different things now. One of them, Mika, is now an extremely popular artist, going by the name Kurusu Chisato. Having been out of contact for some time, Yukino suddenly gets a text message from Mika, and is invited to the big concert. What kind of person ends up as a big star, or what kind of person does a big star become, and what kind of people are around a big star?

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