Nurse Witch Komugi 1, a Vaccine for Humanity

Created/Updated 2004-11-08

Animephile Rating: F (2.5)


This volume contains Karte.1, 2, and 2.5. These are animated by Kyouto Animation Studio using their cell-less process, which I didn't like at first. Regardless of how I like it, though, there's no doubt that the source should be as perfect as they come. Somehow, though, ADV's release isn't anywhere close to being perfect. If it were animated by another studio I liked more, I'd have bought the R2s. Too bad. I'll just have to be satisfied with audio CD purchases for this series.

First of all, if you read my original listing for this series, which I put up yesterday, you'd have seen the field separation-related complaint from me. I was wrong about that. I got rid of the screen captures, but if you saw them, you might remember that the other field that is left contained only chroma information. This is still strange to me since even lines' chroma information should not have been shown on odd lines and vice versa. For all I know, this version of WinDVD may actually have chroma upsampling bug. Either way, I cannot blame the DVD producers for this one.

Regardless of all that, there's apparently something else that is not very good since DScaler craps out of film mode very easily. I am actually not sure what it's not liking, but FLI2200 seems to do just fine. The worse the quality is, the better FLI2200 does compare to the others.

Image1 (lossless): OP/ED credits are hard-sub. Check out distortions around letters, too.
Image2 (lossless): Check out that red. This is captured with WinDVD, which does not have chroma upsampling problem, so there's something wrong with the source.
Image3 (lossless): They aren't even moving much yet there's far too much compression artifacts.
Image4 (lossless): High movement scene. Even more artifacts.
Image5: Bwahahahahaha!


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