Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu (manga) 1

Created/Updated 2008-06-07

I got to know about this series from the internet radio, featuring Gotou Mai (voice of Nogizaka Mika) and Nisemaru (producer and more). Actually, I got to know about the radio from another internet radio, "Saturday Night Main Event," which isn't actually a radio show since it's a monthly live event. Anyway, I like Gotou Mai, and the description of the series seemed interesting enough, if a bit cliche, so I bought the books. So far, there are 7 volumes of light novel and 1 volume of manga.

Nogizaka Haruka, a perfect honor student, happens to have a secret, and one of her classmates find out about it. It's not even much of a secret, so I'll just say it. She's an otaku. So goes the story, anyway.

Most reviewers didn't like the manga version that much, but I just wanted it as a warmup before I start digging into the novels. Now that I've read the manga version, I must agree with the reviewers. It's pretty to look at, but the story feels really rushed and out of control. And even the pretty art has too much unnecessary fan servicy moments. I'm hoping the novel is much better because I already bought 7 volumes of it.

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