One logistically great thing about this series is that it should be
relatively easy to turn it into an anime. Onsokumaru is just a
ball of... thing, and all the ninja dudes look the same. Heck, you
don't even have to draw their faces! That leaves only four characters
that need to be drawn, Shinobu, Kaede, Miyabi, and occasionally,
Kaori-san (Kaede's mother). How convenient is that!?
By the way, Miyabi is my favorite character. You know why? Because
she beats the hell out of Onsokumaru, sometimes. I wish she'd do it
more often.
Speaking of Miyabi, I've reached a new level as a seiyuu-otaku. I
knew who voiced Shinobu and Kaede, but I didn't know who voiced
Miyabi. Just by reading the manga and thinking about it, I
successfully guessed who voices her. I came up Shimizu Ai and
Kugimiya Rie. I still think Ai-chan would be a good fit, but since
Kugimiya-san has already done voice work for UFOTable, I decided that
she's more likely, and there she is!