Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä 7

Created/Updated 2004-06-18

Even now, I consider the animated film version of Nausicaä to be the best film animation work Miyazaki has ever done. By the way, I consider Future Boy Conan to be his best animation (TV-series or films) work. In every respect, both works are masterpieces.

If so, where does the manga fit in? I don't know. What's above A++++? Let me put it this way. If you have not read Nausicaä manga, you might as well not have read any manga. I can throw words like "superb," "magnificent," "phenomenal," etc., but those words won't mean anything to people who have not read this work. I am ashamed of myself for putting off reading this for so long.

I'm not going to talk about the manga in more detail because there're many other resources on-line, such as Nausicaa.net.

There're many translated versions available in many languages. I highly recommend you pick one and buy the whole thing if you have not read it yet. For English readers, ISBN1-56931-348-2 is the boxset of the "perfect collection." I am personally going to preorder ISBN1-59116-523-7, which is the boxset of the "Second Edition," also known as the "Editor's Choice Edition," to be released in September 2004. Heck, I might even try to pick up Korean version, too, as well as the higher quality 2-volume Japanese version.


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