Dream Hour in Saki's Room

Created/Updated 2012-07-29

Subjective Content Rating: Missing the magic.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*| |

So, I got to see some episodes of the anime. At first glance, it seemed like a typical 4x cute girls anime, and in a way it is. But I was really surprised by the simple yet effective cinematography. And overall, everything (including story and characters) is colorful and just nice to look at. I thought about buying the Blu-ray discs, but saw the pricing scheme (2 episodes each) and decided against it.

Of course, that didn't stop me from getting the drama CD.

Unfortunately, the whole thing feels like a bunch of rejected side episodes that never made the production cut. And for a good reason, too. They don't really add anything to the main story. And audio only dramas generally need to be extra aggressive to cover for the lack of visuals, so having a lackluster story doesn't help the cause at all.

Finally, I took a star off the sound quality rating because of the obvious dynamic range compression used in the opening and ending vocal songs embedded into tracks 1 and 8.

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