Nanaka 6/17 (5)

Created/Updated 2003-12-06

Kei (bastard) story is resolved with Nenji coming to her rescue. Actually, Nanaka (17-year old) also plays a part in this one. Of course, this kind of story wouldn't fit in the anime, so it was never animated.

The pattern of serious, light, serious, light, ..., continues with Nanaka and Kuriko in kimodameshi story with ghosts. It's a funny story with slightly sweet ending. Was it animated? I can't remember, but it could have been.

Fun continues as Nanaka takes a waitress job. Poor Nenji has to keep her out of trouble without her noticing. It's just another funny yet pointless story. Was the story of Nanaka breaking her glasses and Arashiyama taking care of her for a day as if he's Nenji, animated? I think it was. That's in this volume as well.

The special animation (bonus disc in the DVD set) of Amemiya's one-day date with Nenji is also in this volume.

Finally, Yoshida (otaku) and Satsuki are introduced. I like Satsuki ;^)


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