Nadia, the Motion Picture

Created/Updated 2003-03-15

Animephile Rating: F (1.5)


Well, I finally watched the "in"famous Nadia, the Motion Picture. You already know something is wrong when you see a title like that.

More than 50% of the first half is filled with reused clips from the TV-series. I guess Gainax has no real rights to the video once it's done. I can't imagine Gainax letting some other company use their work in something as horrible as this.

Actually, I'd like to recommend people to watch this at least once, but if I recommend it, people might get the wrong idea that it's not that bad. Well, that's not a good way to think about this movie. As I see it, the only way to get any enjoyment out of this movie is to watch it with a 100% negative preconception. But if I say it like that, you might not bother watching it at all, so.... I don't know. If you can rent it and you're having one of those boring days, you should go for it.

Note that I didn't really put much effort into this review. It's just not worth it. No images, either.

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