Created/Updated 2007-07-08

Animephile Rating: Great buy for OLIVIA inspi' REIRA fans

This is a better way to pick up NANA related songs than "NANA BEST" CD because it's more complete, and the sound quality is better than that of "NANA BEST" CD. You can also pick up Blackstone side CD if you want Tsuchiya Anna's songs.

Interestingly, audio data is not the same as the ones on the singles. I think that shows they don't care. It's not an easy task to _properly_ convert whatever high resolution master into a CD format stream. If one were to put a great effort into doing it for each song, it'd only make sense to keep around the converted form so that it can be reused. The fact that they don't bother, means they're not taking the conversion process seriously at all.

I can't really compare the conversion quality between this CD and the singles, but they're close, so either makes for a better buy than that badly mastered "NANA BEST" CD.

Limited edition comes with a DVD (CTCR-14536B), listed separately.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Actual booklet cover is not so contrasty, but it's slightly reflective, which scanner doesn't handle properly.

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