Under17, First Live Tour Final 2004, Soshite Dendetsu e..., Disc 1 of 2

Created/Updated 2005-02-06

Animephile Rating: A+ (10.0)


Ahh... the end of Under17. The stage, equipment, and the hall size indicate fairly costly production here. Video quality is as good as it can get on a DVD. Momoi is still (as in now, as in February 2005) having some voice issues. I wonder if it had anything to do with Under17 ending. It's not really any of my business though.

Image1: It comes with a booklet and a set of stickers (two large, three small). Stickers are reflective, which is why you see the reflection of the DVD case on them.
Image2: Momotarou Momoi.
Image3: Pretty big stage with fancy lights and stuff.
Image4: Can resemblance be enough grounds for Disney to sue?
Image5: Akazukin Momoi's solo (both vocal as well as instrument).


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