Sugar Kiss

Created/Updated 2005-03-26

Animephile Rating: B

Chance encounter with track 10 made me buy this. It turns out, I already own some of her songs (from Mizuiro), but I mis-listed them under Satou Yumi. Darn those kanji readings. I fixed them up, of course.

Apparently, she's done quite a few songs for games and some anime, too. To be honest, I should be giving this a 'C' grade, but track 10 really knocks me out, so I'm being generous ^_^;

Seriously though, it seems strange to me that someone like Satou-san can release a filled-to-the-edge full-length album using songs she sang for games and anime, yet a better singer who, as far as I can tell, has done similar things, can't release her own album. I'm talking about Kawana Midori. I tell you. There is no justice.

Well, to be fair, Satou-san does have much wider repertory than Kawana-san.

Oh, I have nothing personally against Satou-san, of course. She's got some interesting songs, like track 10. Maybe I should check out that adult game which the song is from. Not!


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