Midori no Hibi 1

Created/Updated 2004-07-22

I don't think it is usual for anime adaptation to stretch the original story further. It's far more common to shrink the original story to fit into the anime. I've only watched the first 4 episodes of the anime, so I don't know how far it will go, but in this case, they put in extra content into the anime compared to the manga. For example, Seiji's older sister's visit is a lot shorter and simpler in the manga and also Shuuichi (figurine otaku, voiced by Ueda Yuuji by the way) never gets to find out about Midori, at least not in the chapter he is introduced.

The funny(?) thing is, when I watched the anime, I was extremely annoyed by Seiji's older sister. In the manga, not much time is spent, or rather wasted, on that story, so I enjoyed it much more.

In the end, neither the manga, nor the anime, is all that great. I'm not going to buy the anime since I can watch it at the local anime club showing, not that I'd care that much even if I missed some episodes. Manga is cheap enough, so I'll keep checking it out. Besides, I already bought the first 7 volumes, so I'm sure I'll know if I like it or not by the time I read through them.


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