Massugu ni Ikou LE with CD (CD portion)

Created/Updated 2003-12-23

Animephile Rating: B

Although it is disappointing that opening and ending themes aren't on this CD, I like the BGM enough to give it a 'B.' Come to think of it, I don't really like the opening theme anyway. Ending is nice, though. Even if they were featured on the CD, I doubt they would have been full-length, so in that sense, the ones I can rip from the DVD tracks aren't any worse.

As far as I can tell, all BGM is performed using real instruments. It feels like something out of a Ghibli film. Come to think of it, the whole show feels like that except for.... I know there's something un-Ghibli about the show, but I can't describe it. I guess it's not as magical as many of the Ghibli shows.


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