Maria-sama ga Miteru Soundtrack

Created/Updated 2004-03-28

Animephile Rating: A

There're definitely some similarities between this series and Utena beyond the obvious fact that they are both shoujo titles. I don't dislike Utena, but I never could really get into that show because it was too aloof. As interesting as it may have been, I just couldn't relate to it. If only if they could fill that void... so I thought, and here it is. So far, I like everything about this series. I guess that's easy to say since I haven't seen a single episode of the anime :p

So far, I've read the only volume of the manga that is out, and listened to the CD drama. Novels still take way too long for me to read, and I have too many novels in my to-read pile at the moment, so I'm passing on the novels for now.

Anyway, the music for this series is also similar to the music from Utena, at least for the calm and elegant pieces. Of course, there are no vocals for this series so far, so no comparison can be made there. In fact, I don't think I want any vocals for this series. Music for this series is the kind that you can leave on all day. It won't bother you whether you are concentrating on them or not. Good stuff, in my opinion.


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