Grrl Power

Created/Updated 2004-07-16

Animephile Rating: F (5.5)


If you're a real fan, you're going to have to pick up both R1 and R2 DVDs. Here's the breakdown of all the extras.

Available on both R1 and R2:

Available on R1 only:

Available on R2 only:

Image1: R1 (left) and R2 (right) comparison image. Lossless PNG file! Yes, R2 is better :p
Image2: Interview video. This particular shot is not in the R2 DVD because while he's talking, R2 DVD shows video of Shounan (location). R2 video tends to show other things (seiyuu, location shots, etc.) while Daichi speaks. Video quality is much better on R1 than R2 for the interview.
Image3: English VA interview.
Image4-5: TAF event video. By the way, that white dude is John Ledford from ADV. He has very good Japanese pronunciation!
Image6: Montage of all the production sketches (R1 DVD only). Of course, the real ones on the DVD are much larger as they're DVD-resolution per frame. It's not anamorphic, yet anamorphic flag is set on the DVD incorrectly for this chapter.


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