Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, Soundstage 02

Created/Updated 2005-02-06

Animephile Rating: B

Well, looks like I'm going to keep buying Nanoha DVDs for now. On the first DVD, we see only Nanoha's life, which is almost too good. She's got a loving family, caring friends, and not really anything to worry about. Fate, on the other hand, has a troubled mother, no friends, and even the last being to care for her (Linus) goes away during this drama. Yes, she gets Alf, but I feel that their relationship isn't all bright and happy.

I think Linus is a character only for this CD. I'm pretty sure she is not featured in the anime and I have doubts about her reappearing in the 3rd Soundstage. She's voiced by Asano Masumi, by the way. Since I've not yet seen Fate in anime, I don't know how she is featured, but I get this feeling that her past will not be explained in detail in the anime. If that is true, this soundstage may be important because it describes how Alf becomes Fate's magical retainer, who creates Valdish (Fate's magic cane), and why Fate searches for the Jewel Seed.

I can imagine some great plots involving Fate and Nanoha. Now if the animation would get better....


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