Mahoromatic Ongaku-hen

Created/Updated 2001-12-23

Animephile Rating: B

I hesitated buying this one because I knew Kawasumi-san sings the opening song for the series. I love her character voices, but her singing isn't very good. Besides, I wasn't expecting myself to like this series. But, it was a first pressing limited edition and I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff, so I bought it. Kawasumi-san still isn't a very good singer, but boy did they work their magic with the mixer DSP. They almost fixed up her song to perfection. Well, not quite, but it's good enough for me. Besides, the ending song is really fun.

No, the "Mahoro-san Cup Ramen Timer" doesn't make me suddenly want to eat cup ramen.
Anyway, I like it okay. It's a fun little CD. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy some cup ramen.

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