Macross F O.S.T.1, Nyan Fro[ntier].

Created/Updated 2008-06-29

Subjective Content Rating: Nakajima Megumi is going to be (or rather already is) a big hit!
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*| |

As I wrote in the ratings section already, Nakajima Megumi is going to be (or rather already is) a big hit! She's got the voice and the right attitude for it. And she's hella cute, too. I first got to know about her in the "Radio Macross" ( 2008-01-08 to 2008-04-01).

Oh, and I know at least one female fan of hers. Hehe.

Sound quality is pretty good I guess, in today's standards. Victor does their less annoying form of dynamic range compression, so it's helped by that fact. It's still not that great, though. Funny thing is, some BGM tracks utilize pretty wide dynamic range, so why not have the whole thing like that? Are they expecting everyone to listen to different tracks using different set of equipment? Nonsense.

I got this "back stage pass" sticker with my CD, but it was not inside the CD shrink wrap, so I assume it's a store specific item or something. It's made from some sort of fabric, not paper. Too bad the valid date on it is 2059-03-01. I'm not so sure if I'll make it to 85.

For your information, I have not seen the anime. I'm sort of curious, though, as it's well received.

Must.. try to.. refrain.. from.. looking for more Nakajima Megumi CDs.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Sheryl on the left, Ranka on the right, and some weird thing in the middle.

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