Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho (The Place Promised in Our Early Days)

Created/Updated 2005-03-01

Animephile Rating: A+ (10.0)


What happens when you dive into a movie with low expectations? It's hard to get disappointed since you weren't expecting much to begin with. How about the reverse? What happens when you watch a movie with a high expectations? You get disappointed.

And did I power up my projection system with high expectations.

And guess what? It's beautiful! I didn't even have time to think about what I was expecting!

You'd think that the exaggerated lighting could get annoying, but no, it never does. It's like the moving lights give more life to the film. And with help of time and other artists, drawings have improved a lot since "Hoshi no Koe."

Of course, it's not perfect. Watching the included promotion clips, I can see that the film took a slightly different path than originally planned, and 90 minutes simply doesn't feel like enough time for the complex story to fully spread its wings. But in the end, it's beautiful beyond my expections and I am left with even higher expectation for his next work. You could say that Shinkai-san has his own genre, different from everything else, like how Ghibli's works are different from other anime.

Oh, by the way, if you downloaded the promo clips, you don't need them any more. This DVD contains all three (original, 120-second clip, and 90-second clip), and all in better quality, too.

I had to stop myself from capturing hundreds of screenshots. I stopped fairly early. You should all be going out and buying the DVD for yourselves anyway.

Rest are from interviews of the main characters, Fujisawa Hiroki (voiced by Yoshioka Hidetaka), Shirakawa Takuya (voiced by Hagiwara Masato), and Sawatari Sayuri (voiced by Nanri Yuuka). Note that neither Yoshioka-san nor Hagiwara-san are seiyuu. Nanri-san is, of course, seiyuu. And finally, the man himself. I see he upgraded his monitor and put what used to be his main monitor as secondary. Good for him!


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