Soundtrack with Steel Angels

Created/Updated 2000-12-23

Animephile Rating: B

I think this is a wonderful buy. OP is chou kawaii!
Here's an interesting thing I noticed:

One of the Synchro-Check question for Tanaka-san (Saki) is:
() isei yori dousei ga suki (same-sex person is preferred over opposite-sex person)

She immediately and certainly says, "Yes."
and everyone says, "ehh!?" For the time being, they go on with next questions, but later, they come back to this.
Basically, Tanaka-san says, "Even not as Saki, I like dousei (same-sex)." To me, the others (Enomoto-san & Kurata-san) sound surprised and they _appear_ to try to change the mood by talking about it in a different manner, as in, "I like cute girls, too" and "I like all of you! (meaning each other)"
I could swear Tanaka-san was serious about it (in an opportunistic way). If so, I'd like to say that I respect her for saying it and sticking with it!
When I listen to it over and over again, I notice that when she answers that question, she is almost overly enthusiastic. She does seem to let the subject go away when the others appear to be troubled by it. This whole thing is pure speculation from listening to a CD, but I think I've got a pretty good understanding of the situation.
I think Tanaka-san is the prettiest of the three by a big margin. Of course, all I have to go with is a little picture in the CD insert, but it seems pretty obvious to me. I hope she gets more interesting parts to play in the future.

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