Koi Tate Radio Audio CD

Created/Updated 2010-04-04

Subjective Content Rating: N/R
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*|*|

Koi Tate radio was broadcast from 2008-08-27 to 2009-01-07, total of 13 episodes, plus one long open recording, which got broadcasted later in two sessions. There was also one special on 2009-07-15 to commemorate the upcoming release of the radio CD.

It was my first AXL radio, and to say that I was smitten by it would be an understatement. Believe or not, it's Yao Kazuki, the male personality, who made this radio exceptional, not Rikimaru Noriko. He's generally a loose cannon, or at least it may seem that way, but he has these incredibly serious moments when he gives advice to listeners. Rikimaru-san alone, or paired with pretty much anyone else, would lead to a confusing radio show, but he really brings out the best in her way of... panicking.

As soon as I learned about this being released at Comike, I asked someone in Japan to get one for me. Now that I've been to Comike once, I won't ask anyone to get anything for me there, but this was before I knew how hectic it really is.

One odd thing with this CD is, they didn't bother splitting anything up into tracks. It just has one 50-minute long track. There're also two noise spikes in the audio. Either the microphone was touched, there was a recording error, or my DVD-RW drive is getting old and generating errors while ripping. I don't think it's #3, though. Otherwise, sound is not messed with at all, which is always a plus.

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