Key the Metal Idol Radio Program #4 "Tokyou"

Created/Updated 2001-08-27

Animephile Rating: B

This is the most interesting of the four drama CD's. That doesn't mean it's the most entertaining, of course. First one was the most entertaining to me.
It's a really long monologue by Key. None of it will make any sense if you haven't watched the whole anime. Key describes, in her own words, what happens from the time she decides to go to Tokyo through the time when she's asking Tsurugi to take her to Miho's concert. Interestingly, story includes what goes on with Key during those moments when she's "awake." I feel that this CD is _required_ in order for anyone to fully understand what's going on with Key.
As an added bonus, Key's monologue is very slow and easy to understand.

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